🔥 NEWSHOUND #1 Johnny Vedmore 🔎 EVENING ALL 'ELLO 'ELLO 'ELLO wots going on "ere then?
"The Scottish Resistance are going to London next month to protest in front of the Westminster Parliament that building that has the most liars , cheats, war criminals,
paedophiles & down right dirty rotten scoundrels than anywhere else. Decisions have been made in that building that have led to the death of more people in this world than any
other IMPERIALIST REGIME. Their Evil Empire still tops the list of killing at over 2 Billion people & they have robbed Trillions from the nations they invaded & destroyed & not a penny
of all the wealth they stole has helped any ordinary citizens in England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland who still get paid the lowest pension in the modern world. Most of my time is spent trying to FREE Scotland from this so-called Union that never was. If it was an equal Union, we would have the right to leave but every single UNDEMOCRATIC Unionist states that we cannot leave even if a majority of Scots want Scotland to be Independent. What kind of DEMOCRACY is that ? The Scottish Resistance over the years have protested against War Criminals, the bedroom tax & companies that have turned their back on Scotland like Tunnocks. I am sure we all remember The Tunnock's Teacake party when we protested against their Brit teacakes.
nearly everyone was against us at that time but over 2 years later all Scottish Patriots agree we did the right thing. We protested against Jim Murphy & Eddie Izzard in St Enoch square in Glasgow & that was the beginning of the end of the RED TORIES in Scotland. We chased that Dirty Rotten traitor Gordon Brown when he came to Scotland but the pictures shown by the Brit Press only show me chasing him not the full picture with him running away from being told what a Traitor he is to Scotland. There is lots of pictures & video taken of The Scottish Resistance which is been hidden from the people its a Brit Press cover up. We sent a copy of the Declaration of Glasgow & a copy of The Declaration of Arbroath to The United Nations & World leaders & not long after that the United Nations declared The Declaration of Arbroath a document of World Importance.
Everything we have done is on a shoestring budget no one is backing us financially or we would be a lot nearer a FREE Scotland by now. How much longer are you going to sit back & watch Scotland being exploited & robbed. Electricity & Gas prices are up, Petrol is up to a new high & prices of food are going through the roof. For the unemployed, the sick, our poorly paid pensioners it's going to be hard going a choice between food or heating the house. If you don't really care about the injustices against Scotland let me know & I will remove you from future emails otherwise watch out for a list of our upcoming events & protests which I will send to you soon.
James Scott
“That was an optic to tell us that he was going to bankrupt the US Corporation, because it’s was the Vatican, the Crown, & the US that’s been together since 1871…
And we were giving you our tax dollars. We were paying back….. forget this tea party, and without taxation & representation, we owed you a lot of money because you helped us in the Civil War.
The Pope wasn’t happy, you should find the picture of him visiting the Pope… it took 650 planes to remove our Gold from the Vatican bank…”
This Clip
Full Interview
Here’s confirmation Fauci has been working with Wellcome Trust & The Pirbright Institute (UK) (Coronavirus patent holder) for a long time.
This 2009 C.I.A. propaganda document proves Coronavirus is not Fauci’s first rodeo at fooling the public with fake pandemics to enrich his Big Pharma intelligence handlers
GlaxoSmithKline (the Wellcome Trust), Sanofi, AstraZeneca and Novartis are tightly aligned with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Merial Animal Heath Institute (UK & China), The Pirbright Institute funded by DARPA (U.S.) & DERA (UK)
WELLCOME TRUST have numerous research links with disease-endemic countries, in particular in AFRICA.
#WuhanLabs #DarpaJabs #CharlesHuang
Dr Charles Huang MBA from the University of Strathclyde in 1989, PhD in marketing in 1994
Huang has a Bachelor’s in economics from Wuhan University, China.
Sept. 2020
Innova Medical Group secured a vast supply of rapid tests from an obscure Chinese manufacturer before established pharmaceutical companies could do so.
Mar. 2021
INNOVA win £3.2 Billion U.K. Government supply & distribution contracts
Jun 6, 2021
The FDA published a Class 1 medical device recall for Innova PCR test
Sept 21, 2021
Charles Huang donated £50 Million to Strathclyde University for WUHAN LABS GLASGOW
Nov 30, 2021
Charles Huang donate US$40 Million Alma Mater, Wuhan University
Jan 5, 2022
U.K. Government state PCR tests to be temporarily suspended
Xuelin Black from communist China to the heart of the British Establishment
The Tartan Army Children's Charity (TACC) and Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal (TASA) are both registered Scottish charities run by Scotland fans, raising money for disadvantaged children in Scotland and in the countries visited by fans following the team.
The Sunshine Appeal was first launched after Scotland's away fixture against Bosnia-Herzegovina in Sarajevo in September 1999 during UEFA Euro 2000 qualifying, when a group of Scotland fans, who had traveled despite the Foreign Commonwealth Office discouraging travel in the wake of the Bosnian War, were introduced to Kemal Karic, a local boy who had lost his leg in the shelling of Sarajevo.
TASA's aim is to make a donation in every country where Scotland play a game, which they have done
I bought a second hand sea kayak and now I plan to paddle to the Ailsa Craig. I want to investigate what's going on, on the island. Because I don't trust what the government are up too and I also smell something fishy.
I'm practising kayaking at the moment, so don't bother me unless it's urgent. Thankyou fans , I love you all... Mwah 😘